Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Name Me

I thought I was empty.

I thought hope existed, but not for me

I thought you were the one

I thought dreams were disproportionately dispersed among those who didn’t deserve

I thought living was hard

These thoughts started in despair, then I began to listen and re-read the words my heart spoke. I haphazardly, proudly and boastfully for a quick second began to live in truth that. 

I AM empty so that I may be a better vessel. 

I AM hope

I AM the one being waited for

I AM a dream and I shall share my visions

I AM alive, dreaming hope to disperse to those who are empty

Then my heart rested in extreme gratitude of the great I AM;  better understanding that I AM because the Great I AM is...

I AM the Word made flesh and the Spirit that dwells

I AM the substance that that calculates all wrongs and wounds and throw them into the sea of forgetfulness.

I AM of no time and space yet completely and utterly yours

I AM, the I AM, I AM the Healer, I AM who makes all things New, I AM your comforter, I AM the I AM that circulates without matter or the need for kinesis. I AM your HOPE. I AM the One who holds time and circumstance for you. I AM the ultimate dream machine. I AM the ONE who gives you my name


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sweet Pink Rain

Sweet Pink Rain

I am the essence of everything raw and real. Innately I am planted in the inner sanctums of those that wish to thrive and grow…grow….grow up into a serene melody that lavishes under the sun before the drip drop of the …sweet pink rain that caresses your soul.  I am that sweet pink rain that speaks to God and delivers every time. I… I am the substance of things hoped for …stop…taste…smell me in the true essence of this pink sweet rain. 

I am the tasteless void that drives you crazy, yet I am the sweetness that enhances the mood of your day and the glistening sapphire that guides your….night …your night until it becomes a burst of pink and orange and yellow….That sweet Pink Rain is so mellow… mellow below the surface to bring residual calmness to that which is in you that is aggravated by the world around you but see I am the essence of what is raw and real, that which falls from above and glides on gravity's pull. Pull from the depths of your imagination, be covered by the sweet pink rain…for …it’s the essence that soothes your pain and culminates forming storms for you protection. From the ghettos to The Hill, there is no shelter.  Embrace and make haste toward the rain that colors yours soul, your God into focus. Your picture, image, epic description is in Sweet Sweet…

Novels and movie stars only allude to the power of the Pink….

Rain is the essence of your tears that surprisingly is sweeter as the day go by.  Rewind.

Rain is the essence of tears that become sweeter as the day calls for rain to cool its thirst to grow…grow into weeks of strength and courage that washes away…you.

You who are weak and laden will find refuge in the pink sweet rain. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Is love enough when it’s not the love that makes your heart smile? Is love enough when you are proud to have someone on your arm and in your bed but the one you love, like really love is home longing for your love? 

Is love enough when the pictures are perfect and your routine hasn’t changed? Shouldn’t love take you to places never imaged all while be secured at home, the place formerly known as your house.  

Shouldn’t love provide to you, speak to your heart and agree with your soul? Is love enough when your smile doesn’t ache from being constant?

Giggle giggle, tader pader, OHHHH and then oooh was the language of your heart. Now it says “I love you”

Is love enough when neither your actions nor mine emulate the scandalous words “I love you”

Is it love?

Is it love when you can’t talk to me in fear that I may see you?
I already see you. I hear you through your silence. I already see you and that contrived smile.

Is love enough?

Where’s the passion that stings every morning like the bitter cold. The passion that light fires that never extinguishes. Where’s the passion that fed my hunger for you? 

Where’s the passion for life...

Giggle giggle, tader pader, OHHH and oooh

I guess love is enough, you are not here. dedicated to 051812